Can't install AOL desktop gold error 104; Find out solutions how to resolve installation problem with ease.

Frustrated with “AOL Desktop Gold Error 104” on system?
It is most common issue that usually users come across this problem “AOL Gold 104 Error”.
User’s query “I am unable to install AOL desktop gold on my PC. Each time, I try to install it; I get AOL desktop error 104.”
Sometimes this error display continues on the system and prevents the user to install AOL software.
This error occurs due to multiple or various reason. But the solutions of these errors are quite easy if you know how to solve it.
So, to know the reasons for this error and the best suitable (basic and advanced) solution for this, you need go through this article.
Why AOL Desktop Gold 104 Error Occurs?
There are multiple number of difficulties that pop-ups “AOL gold 104 error” during AOL desktop gold download and setup software on system.
So, let’s take look below its causes or reasons:
One of the main reasons for AOL Gold 104 Error is due to incomplete file downloading.
If the system has any kind of virus in it, then error will occur.
Error will occur when you have a corrupt Windows installed in the system.
Downloading of corrupt AOL desktop files in the system will lead to an increase in error.
Due to Windows registry system damage downloading file.
Symptoms – When AOL Gold 104 Error Occur
Get to know why suddenly your AOL desktop gold software stopped working or display “AOL 104 ERROR”. Check out below symptoms when you find your desktop gold software have some problems:
When your system suddenly freezes for few seconds.

Slow response of your Windows system.
AOL Error message displayed 104 Error.
Windows will start crash due AOL 104 error.

Software’s all setup files suddenly close down and Windows respond sluggishly.
Steps to Fix AOL Desktop Gold Error 104
Troubleshoot AOL Desktop Gold Error Code 104 steps are quite simple and easy. To do so, you need to follow below steps:
1. System Compatibility
One of the major problems is the system incompatibility while downloading the file. Due to this, the system lacks some requirements which lead to downloading and installing problem.
So, check your software’s compatibility with system for latest download AOL desktop gold. To do this process carefully, you need to have

An operating system which can be windows 10 or windows 7 or windows 8,
Fast processor,
High screen resolution,
At least 1 GB RAM,
At least 512 GB free disk space,
Uninterrupted and high speed internet connection.
2. Scanning of the system
Main reason behind AOL desktop error 104 that’s presence of malware programs, virus on your system.
So, to remove this issue, installed “PC Scanner Tool” antivirus on your system and scan your system. Before scanning, make sure you have installed update virus software.
Wait until, your system not fully scanned. Once scanning process completes, restart your system and see if your problem resolves.
If you find any error or don’t know what you should do, contact (888)-616-4869 and take assistance for your query!
3. Cleaning of unnecessary files
Usually, your system comprises of unnecessary files which gets accumulated due to browser or the Computer activities that you perform. These files are also responsible for slowing down the process.
So, if you want the system to effectively work, you need to clean the system first. To do this, follow the steps:
Open Internet Explorer and select on the tool button that is situated on the top right corner of the window.
Then press on Internet option, a small Window will open up.
Press on the general tab button and click on the delete button on the browsing history.
This will remove all the junk files that are present in the system.
Then lastly click on the OK button present on the internet option Window.
4. Updating System Driver
The AOL Desktop Gold Error 104 can also generate corrupted files. As the process of updating is quite easy, it’s becomes difficult to locate and install the relevant drivers.
In case, if you have installed a wrong driver, this can simply make your problems even worse.
So make sure, you have updated your system driver latest.
Hence, to avoid all these issues you can get in touch with the technicians who will help you out to solve the issue.

5. Windows Update
To be free from any kind of error, Windows update is quite important. To do this,
Go to Windows Start button
Type Update in the search box.
Look for “Windows Update” or “Check on updates”
A dialogue box will appear. If any update is available then click on that and install it.

6. Window system file checker
Corrupt files usually interrupt in downloading process. So, if you come across any issue while downloading the software, then
Click on start button on your Window system.
Then type Command on the search box filed.
After that don’t press enter, hold CTRL+ SHIFT button and Enter button together.
A dialogue box asking your permission will appear.
Click Yes to allow proceeding to happen.
After that a black screen will appear where you need to type “sfc” and then press enter.
After that the process will begin which might take few minutes to complete the process.If any error like this still exists then it will get displayed in command prompt.

7. Clear Cache, Cookies and & Footprints
To fix this problem, clean all cache, cookies and footprints from your browser. To do that, give a look below points:
Open your browser that you are used i.e. Chrome, Internet Explorer.
Click on the “Tools” icon that is located at the top right corner of the Window.
Select “Internet” options from the drop down list.
Then, choose “General Tab” and press the browser history button. A pop-up will open or display “Delete Browsing history”.
So, tick the checkbox of cookies, history and others files.
At last, click on the Delete button.

Note: In case, you have any other problem related desktop gold software then feel free to go ahead troubleshooting desktop gold problems guide and get solutions on desktop gold software.
Need Assistance?
Still, unable to resolve the AOL desktop install error 104 problems, then get in touch with experts (888)-616-4869 who will definitely fix the issue.
Get assistance anytime i.e. 24*7 available to provide you with necessary tips, tricks and worthy solutions.